The time has come for us to stand up for what is right.
The time has come for you to be the best person you can be.
The time has come for you to live out your purpose.
The time has come for love to win.
The time has come for racism to really cease.
The time has come for pettiness and envy to stop.
The time has come for the homeless to have homes.
The time has come for debt to decrease.
The time has come for racial stigmas to stop.
The time has come for education to not equate to loans.
The time has come for women and men to get equal pay across the boards.
The time has come for us to read as many books as pictures we like on Instagram.
The time has come for more positive stories to make the news.
The time has come for police brutality to end.
The time has come for us to save more money than we spend.
The time has come for media to alter the portrayed definition of beauty.
The time has come for uplifting
The time has come for empowering.
The time has come for serving.
The time has come for a change to be made.
The time has come for growing.
The time has come for breakthrough.
The time has come for more two-parent households in the black community.
The time has come for poverty levels to decrease.
The time has come for health provisions.
The time has come for pay increases for educators.
The time has come for barrettes and plaits to be put back in little girls' hair.
The time has come for men to stop acting like boys.
The time has come for the derogatory terms to stop referring to our men and women.
The time has come for the time to come.